What's getting in the way of you living your most fulfilling life?
The Healy scans your bioenergetic field and assesses the strength of your aura and seven chakras.
It then identifies and examines more deeply the 3 Chakras with the lowest energy and helps to identify the underlying issues that are causing disharmony in your life. It can le
What's getting in the way of you living your most fulfilling life?
The Healy scans your bioenergetic field and assesses the strength of your aura and seven chakras.
It then identifies and examines more deeply the 3 Chakras with the lowest energy and helps to identify the underlying issues that are causing disharmony in your life. It can let you know where the issues came from (your personal experiences, or your parents, grandparents, ancestors or even karmic) and how they are impacting your daily life.
What goals are you having trouble achieving?
Coaching can effectively help you to get things moving when you are stuck and to recognize blind spots in your reality – aspects of your personality of which you are not aware but that continually block you. Only when you see clearly can you make decisions and initiate much needed changes.
What goals are you having trouble achieving?
Coaching can effectively help you to get things moving when you are stuck and to recognize blind spots in your reality – aspects of your personality of which you are not aware but that continually block you. Only when you see clearly can you make decisions and initiate much needed changes.
It supports the optimal alignment of personal success potentials in the areas of career, finances, potentials, goals, self-worth, emotional balance, personal relationships, family, social relationships, and spirituality.
Are you being triggered in your relationships?
Get some insight into what issues you are holding on to energetically that are creating disharmony in your life and relationships.
The Healy can read your energetic field and bring to light what you are holding onto that may be keeping you from having the most healthy and loving relationships
Are you being triggered in your relationships?
Get some insight into what issues you are holding on to energetically that are creating disharmony in your life and relationships.
The Healy can read your energetic field and bring to light what you are holding onto that may be keeping you from having the most healthy and loving relationships based on issues from your past experiences that you may not even be consciously aware of.
(Choose 2 Databases)
Please text me at 541-420-9750 to set up your session time and send the required information listed below.
Once I receive your information and we confirm a time, I will send you the Zoom link for our session and my Venmo information for payment.
*Payment must be made before the session begins.
*A recent Photo of Yourself
*Your First & Last Name
*Your Birthdate
*Your City & State of Birth
(This information will help the Healy connect with your energetic signature in the Quantum Field. All information is stored in Healy's private, secure server.)
1. During your Session you will be added to the Healy App. with the above information and an scan will be taken of your Divine Blueprint.
2. You will then be scanned by the Healy's Resonance Sensor in the chosen App. so that the we can get further information on what the underlying issues are.
3. We will then go over the information that is provided and discuss how it might be affecting you. You will also be emailed a PDF of the information so that you can reflect on it further.
4. Lastly, you will be sent the recommended frequencies to help clear out blockages and harmonize the energy in your field.
(You can choose to pay to have the frequencies sent you you more than the 1x that is included. The fee is $11 for each additional transmission. Payment for additional transmissions must be paid in advance and the time of the transmissions will be agreed upon before they are sent.)
Serving Bend, Redmond, Sisters and all of Central Oregon
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