*Neither Myself or Healy claim that any of these examples are Healed or Cured from utilizing solely the Frequency Device.
*The Frequencies are meant to support our mind and body's ability to find balance and wellbeing by influencing our Bioenergetic Fields.
*Always consult with a medical provider if you have any symptoms or concerns about your health.
*See the bottom of this page for additional information.
Tara was kind enough to loan me the use of the MagHealy for a couple of weeks. I ran several frequencies and definitely noticed a difference right away. The 'Family Harmony' one was almost unbelievable as after I ran it my 11 and 9 year old disappeared to build a fort - TOGETHER!
I was so impressed with the power of frequency that when I got sick, I asked her to run my frequencies remotely. I started to feel better within 24 hours so then asked her to run my husband's frequencies the next day as he came down with the same virus. Again, he felt better within 24 hours.
I definitely believe in healing through frequencies and am excited to see what else it can do.
I wanted to share a little story about my new Healy. I have been dealing with some issues with high blood pressure. High number in the 180s. Now I am a very health conscious person. I try to eat right, take supplements and am active on my farm.
I don't care much for modern medicine unless it's necessary for an emergency situation. I see a Naturopath for any issues that arise. My blood pressure became such a concern for even my Naturopath that even she wanted to start me on some pharmaceutical medications to get it under control. I was very resistant to the idea of putting something in my body that may cause some side affects.
Enter the Healy! My friend had a Healy and offered to scan me and send me frequencies remotely as we live about an hour from one another. After just 2 days of sending me frequencies that the Healy found I needed alignment in after she scanned me with it, I was floored to see my blood pressure drop significantly. My high number was now in the 120s!!!
I have since purchased my own Healy device and am really excited to see how else it may help me with my overall wellbeing!
What follows is very condensed-
Since early childhood my health has always been a roller coaster ride, and I really couldn't figure out why. I would have some good years followed by some bad years. Then in 2008 it started to get really bad. I kept it to myself. I was just living out the programming of keeping everything bottled up. I began to lose weight without trying to, which wasn't new. I was in a lot of physical pain, which wasn't new either. But then it started to really affect me on a cognitive level, and things started to spiral.
In 2012 the bottom fell out. I lost 30 pounds in just over 30 days. I could not sleep – at all. My adrenaline was out of control, and my body was consuming itself. Every nerve in my body felt fried, short circuited with an endless migraine with aura. The whole body pain was indescribable. I had my second NDE. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and the MD I was seeing said that he thought I had early onset dementia. It took until 2015 for me to get a foothold back, gain some healthy weight and try to once again repurpose my life. I wasn't exactly healthy, but I able to be functional without pain meds. The right people showed up at the right time, and some truly amazing events came about.
Then at the end of 2018 I had yet another very bad concussion and my health began to slowly tumble again. When the original version of covid came towards the end of 2019 it hit me pretty hard. It then hit me again in March of 2020. Then yet again in October of that same year, at that time my health went sideways really fast. Among the many things that happened I once again lost 30 pounds in just over 30 days, I had a heart attack, my sympathetic nervous system took over full time and I developed a REM sleep disorder, I had various neurological disorders and my GI tract was a complete wreck. To say that I had long covid would be an understatement. This is just a partial accounting of the symptoms I was experiencing. A CT scan revealed that I also had mesenteritus, which explained some of the unrelenting physical pain. I had a biopsy performed on my mesentery in 2021 with disastrous results. I became a hermit on so many levels but mostly for self preservation.
My life revolved around an eating schedule with only a handful of foods that I was able to eat, which I ate in large quantities but it didn't allow me to travel very far from home because I was always hungry. I went camping a few times because I was able to precook and freeze meals. The pain was relentless. Sleep was scarce even with some heavy duty sleep medications, 2-3 hours a night. I relied on my wife for so many things which disrupted many parts of her life.
It took over 3 years to gain back just a little over 10 pounds, but I couldn't break the 139 pound mark no matter how hard I tried. I had spent well over 10 thousand dollars on seeing specialists (MD's, ND's. Functional Medicine Doctors, Nutritionists, Alternative Practitioners, etc, etc.), and that number doesn't include all of the money that was spent on supplements.
I began an anti-parasitic protocol in earnest with a Nurse Practitioner in January of this year. The detox (Herxheimer) reactions made life even more difficult but I was seeing some positive results. With that I was able to finally meet the 140 pound mark but just barely, and some of the physical pains and hunger pains were residing. I wasn't starving all of the time as my body was getting some nutrition from what I ate.
Then at the end of March we purchased a Healy™ frequency device that I began to use daily. By the end of April I had gained 2 pounds, and a lot of the pain had receded. I was able to get 4-5 hours of sleep per night most nights. My thoughts were clearer, I was able to socialize again, my creativity was beginning to come back and I was writing again. My sense of taste and smell were slowly returning. By the end of May I had gained another 2 pounds. The pain was still getting better. My creativity was still gaining. I was writing more. I was dreaming again, sometimes lucidly, and I was having simultaneous dreams again. Something that hadn't happened since the last concussion in 2018, and one of the many things that I really missed.
It's now the end of June. I still am using the Healy™ daily. I feel like I am waking from a coma. I am getting 7-8 hours of sleep most nights. My morning weight is at 145 pounds. The levels of pain have seriously receded. I can walk for a couple of miles, and I can get some sun exposure without getting quickly burnt.
I am excited because we purchased a Healy™ Mag Pro that is supposed to be here in 2 days. I can't wait to see what happens from here. We're planning a trip to Coeur d'Alene next month to visit with family that I haven't seen since June 2020.
There is obviously a lot more to my particular maladies that meet the eye but that is one of the amazing things about the Healy™, it can scan your entire being to find what frequencies are missing on a physical, mental and/or emotional level, and then send those frequencies to you. The device is resetting me back to my original healthy divine blueprint faster and more effectively than anything I have tried thus far in my life. I'm not out of the woods yet, but the positive changes to my health that it has made in just 3 months have been truly remarkable.
Only 3 months of using the Healy daily and I’m seeing so many results. However, my main one has been having menstruation issues for years. I had the birth control implant put in my arm, if you didn’t know it is meant to keep you from having a period. And before that I was on the pill for 10 years. I had the implant for about 14 months before removal in 2020 after lots of negative side effects. Then I was told it was normal to have irregular periods afterwards for a few months to a year, so I stopped talking about it in doctor appointments. Kept going on for years though and I finally got an ultrasound and then many different tests to confirm that I have PCOS in 2023. Specifically, I have too much testosterone in my body because of it.
I’ve been put on medications, changed my diet, taken supplements, nothing was showing any results.
So, for FOUR years I haven’t had real periods, it was only super light spotting (basically nothing), darker blood and would sometimes be months in between that happening. Again, now told that it was all “normal” and just something I had to deal with. Not only is this not normal, but it’s causing so many other issues, including losing my hair.
After a couple weeks of using Healy for my uterus and other hormone balancing frequencies, I had a REAL period. Like a LOT of normal colored menstruation blood, and then again the next month and right when it was supposed to happen! My hair is even growing back! I even requested follow up blood work to confirm that my testosterone is finally within normal levels.
Day 1
I noticed turning off screen time has been super compliant and non confrontational
A little moody now and projecting, but miles from where we have been in transitions.
Day 2
He slept like a rock, and woke up not in a tude at all. Super cheery and sweet. Got ready only after 1 ask, I thought I had to remind him but he was grabbing a sweater first before heading down to do as I asked.
I couldn't make it up!
Day 3
Thank you Also, in class, I got reports he was hitting a lot less! Such a HUGE deal!
I am an avid Pickle Ball player. Even a bit obsessed you may say. I had played a strenuous game of pickle ball and happened to reach for a couple of connections that strained my hip. I was in so much pain that I actually cancelled playing Pickle Ball the next day. It takes a lot to take me out of the game.
I rested with a heating pad and did my stretches but there was no relief. I tried using the Healy and the MagHealy and ran the programs that I thought my body needed. I still had little relief. I decided to do some scans to see what the Healy with picking up on that needed alignment in my energy field. Interestingly, there were some indications that I had some disturbance in my Sacral Chakra. It made sense when I considered what had been going on in my life and that the Sacral Chakra also governs the hips. After just 3 transmissions over a day and a half, my pain quite suddenly disappeared!
I am thrilled to be back in action on the Pickle Ball court and am amazed at the way that the Healy was able to pinpoint the underlying issue that has caused my physical body to become compromised to the point of injury.
Thank you HEALY for allowing me to heal deeply and continue doing the things in life that I love!!
I have experienced innumerable amount of Strokes at this point in my ambulation. This session was super monumentous for me! I have regained feeling on my whole right side of my body. Which hasn't been here since 2014 at least. Super grateful for Tara and the great work she does mind body and soul
The back story is I don’t sleep much- been an issue since I had my first kid. Since I started using the Healy a month ago I have slept more and better than the last 25 years! I am dreaming crazy crazy dreams, but I love it bc it means I slept!! I used to get up many times during the night and now I am down to one time per night to pee and I go right back to sleep! It’s kind of incredible!
I met up with a friend the other day for tea and she brought her dogs. Her dog Boonen had been having some hip issues as he is getting older and has been limping quite a bit. I offered to scan and send frequencies to Boonen for a few days to see if it made a difference. On day 5 after leaving him over the weekend with a sitter this is what she had to say:
Thank you so much for doing that. Amber (the sitter) said that she definitely noticed a difference with him and he wasn't really limping the entire weekend or monday. She said she didn't say anything to me because she thought maybe it was her imagination but offered it up when i asked how he was.
I met a friend and her little boy at the park so we could visit and catch up while her son played on the playground. She brought her little dog Stormy with her that day.
We got to talking about the Healy and we did some scans on my friend to see what it might pick up on. She was impressed at the information that came forth and then asked if we could scan Stormy. She explained that Stormy had been having issues for several days. She was struggling to evacuate her bowels and often passed blood even when there was no stool present. She was concerned and monitoring it closely.
So, we scanned Stormy and several issues came up related to another person's personality it the household. Now, animals do an amazing job of helping us to transmute our issues. They seem to take things on for us energetically to protect us.
So, I started sending Stormy frequencies via distance. By the second day her issues seemed to resolve! No more blood and regular bowel function!
I have a friend that had a sweet very elderly pup. She was showing signs of being ready to depart this realm. I asked if I may scan and send her pup Gracie some frequencies. I checked back in with her a couple of days later. To both of our surprise, she was running around frolicking in way that she hadn't in quite some time. This is what she had to say:
She's really perked up. Seems hungry and taking her food eagerly. Seems much more energetic. Yay!!! What a wonderful healing offering. You are a truly loving and lovely being Tara! Here's Ms Gracie romping in the yard!
An additional note.
Ms Gracie did pass a few weeks later. It was wonderful to see her having a better quality of life during her transitioning time.
Hey there! I'm interested in the Healy to help with my dog's incontinence. She's only 4 and her spay is the reason she has some incontinence. She's been on Incurin for 3 year now which adds estrogen to her system and helps with the piddling. Although there are still accidents. I'd love to get her off of the the Incurin.
3 weeks in:
I halved her pills a few days ago and she's been good! Still no accidents and usually around the full moon there are more accidents. I want to learn more after the holidays.
4 weeks in:
She has been doing so good! My mom and I were literally talking about it today! She has only had one accident in the last few weeks and it was right when I switched her to a half pill. Today is day 2 off pills and I haven't noticed any leaks! I'd love to learn more about the Healy!
I was petsitting for a couple of nights with one of the most anxious dogs that I've cared for. I asked the owners permission before they left to scan Hazel with the Healy and send her frequencies to see if that helped her at all.
So, this is around the 5th time I've stayed with her overnight. Hazel always sleeps on the bed with me but always down by my legs or the end of the bed. After sending her frequencies the first day, we crawled into bed for the evening. Hazel immediately crawled up to my pillow and then proceeded to hunker in a laid snuggly against my chest for the night. The second night she did the same thing.
When her parents came home I asked how she sleeps with them. They said usually at the end of the bed or by their legs. When I told them how she slept with me they were floored! We were saying our goodbyes and I was sitting on the floor putting my shoes on. Now this is my normal routine when it's time to leave her house. This time was different though. Usually when her people get back she is no longer interested in me and just focused on them. This time Hazel quickly greeted her people and then came right back and sat next to me while I was getting my shoes on. Hazel was letting me pet her and more interested in me instead of them for the first time. Again both of her people were super amazed as this was not like her.
Another friend had posted something on Facebook about her elderly dog Jixer being seemingly on the way out of his existence needing prayers. She had shared with me that he had a tumor that was very concerning to the vet. I offered to scan him and send him some frequencies to see if it helped. On day 3 this is what she had to say:
Oh my gosh.. lol! He’s taking me on an emotional roller coaster! He went from us thinking we were losing him to - he’s back up.. and eating, drinking, walking.. the lump looks and feels smaller!
I have been reaching out to rescues and people posting about their animals that are needing support either behaviorally or physically. I have been offering them free scans and frequencies sent at a distance if they are open to it, utilizing the Healy Frequency Device. I happened across this heart wrenching story and wanted to share it with you. I have been sending him frequencies 6 days a week 2x per day for about 6 minutes each time. Now I’m not saying that the frequencies alone have created this miracle, but after working on many others remotely, I have to believe that it has played a part for sure. Here is the original post below and some of the highlights of what has transpired in the following weeks:
December 12th 2024
Hello, as many of you know, my friend Dar Hensley's miniature donkeys, Zeb and Elly, were attacked by 2 pit bulls on Dec. 12. Zeb and his sister Ellie have been part of the Spring Valley community since they were babies. They work as counseling support animals with the Spring Valley Global Methodist Church and help many people with their kind, loving, and sensitive natures.
They were in their pasture when the pit bull mixes crawled under a gate at the fence and headed towards Ellie. Realizing the danger, Zeb ran in between Ellie and the dogs. The dogs then viciously attacked Zeb. Donkeys are well known for their fierce loyalty and protective natures, so this was no surprise.
The pit bulls then ferociously attacked Zeb with the intent to kill.
A member of the church drove by as the attack was happening. He called for help. Another church member witnessing the attack ran into the pasture. One of the dogs had jumped back over the fence, the other had run to a corner of the property.
Dar returned home as this was happening and ran to Zeb, who was laying in pools of blood from too many wounds to count.
His jaw was hanging by a thread. Bites were down to the bone. His skin was badly abraded from where the dogs tried to drag his body. The vast majority of Zeb's body was covered with bites and deep scratches, but he was alive.
For the next 2.5 hrs, while they waited for the vet to arrive, all Dar and her friends could do was cover Zeb with blankets, wait, and pray. Dar laid in deep pools of blood next to Zeb, holding him, praying for a miracle.
Once the vet arrived, it was clear that the only hope was to transport Zeb to OSU vet hospital.
After the initial evaluation at Ohio State, Dar was told it would take a "Christmas miracle" for Zeb to survive. He had lost too much blood, had too many serious wounds with a high rate of infection. His trauma was just too severe.
2 days later, Zeb is still alive! He is in critical condition but doing better than they dared hope. They are even talking about a day in the next few weeks when Zeb may be able to come home under close supervision.
December 15th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Zeb had a dislocated shoulder, was lame in one leg, had a dislocated jaw, gaping wounds on his face and body, too many wounds to count, was heavily bleeding in enormous pain, but he still tried to get to the only comfort he could find - one of his human family members.
December 16th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Probably due to pain, Zeb is not eating or drinking enough. The vets at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine are not surprised and have started additional treatments including a very costly IV therapy. Also, Zeb is now wearing a compression garment to try and help with the swelling all over his body, it also helps give stability to his jaw and face. Ellie has had to be separated by a fence, because she was constantly pulling on Zeb's dressings, and would get tangled up in the IV lines. They can still see each other, but Zeb is now without the physical contact of his sister.
December 17th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Yesterday was another really hard day. He was lethargic, not eating or drinking much, his wounds were beginning to show signs of infection. There was not much life showing through his expressive eyes. The pain, suffering and exhaustion were taking a huge toll. One of his lab values that indicates severe trauma was off the charts. Unless that began turning around, the outlook was bleak. A feeding tube was being considered as a last ditch effort to provide needed nutrition.
Dar was told this morning by one of the many superstar vets involved in Zeb's care at The Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital, that that particular lab value had "miraculously" dropped dramatically overnight. Unheard of. It is still far from normal, but sure looking lots better, and headed in the right direction!
There is more, Zeb is showing a bit of interest in eating and drinking today, so no feeding tube at the moment. And, he showed a tad of personality today!!!!! Oh my gosh. These are incredible developments. Just remarkable.
December 18th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
This journey is such a roller coaster. Yesterday there was good news, and not so good news. More images were taken of Zeb's jaw, legs and body where the deepest of wounds are. Dar was told today to be prepared for jaw reconstruction surgery in the next days, the injury is quite severe. Also, his left elbow was damaged into the joint, and is infected. The left shoulder was also dislocated.
Here are some things to be grateful for!
His labs are no worse. He has no fever. He is eating and drinking better!
December 19th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Eating is really painful for Zeb because of his severe jaw injury. That in combination with the severe trauma, depression, and overall feeling horrible led to lack of appetite, and lack of desire to even drink. Zeb had stopped eating and drinking enough. IV fluids were not going to sustain him for long.
Thinking about this one day, Dar realized she had a bale of hay from home in her truck and talked to the vets about putting it in the stall. All agreed it was worth a try. And it worked! Of course it did. We all know that food from your mom when you are sick is just what you need. Zeb is now eating and drinking much better from the hay that smells like home. Still a long way from normal, but big improvements and no feeding tube! No fever though, another answered prayer. Labs are a little better today. Hooray!
December 21st, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
This is a great one! For the first time since this nightmare began, Dar walked into the stall and Zeb was eating! Hay from home of course. The Drs. had only good things to say yesterday. Labs trending in the right direction.
For the FIRST TIME, wounds showing signs of early healing, even the deepest wounds. Infection is being held at bay. No fever.
The vets are being blown away by this progress. Honestly, they probably had little hope he would survive. The odds were stacked against him from the moment those two dogs entered the pasture to kill him.
December 22nd, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Some of the labs that were trending in the right direction (miraculously so), are headed back up today. Sigh. He also has developed the very painful condition in his hoofs called laminitis. Zeb's poor body took a savage beating from the dogs. The trauma is widespread. Fortunately, the wonderful vets at Ohio State are on top of these things.
On the good side, his wounds continue to show early signs of healing. That is really remarkable. Zeb is still eating and drinking, not normally, but getting better in that area.
December 23rd, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
The laminitis which can be deadly seems to be mild, and is no worse today. Zeb is eating and drinking. No fever.
About that next battle.... one of the deep wounds in an infected joint has begun to heal. If there are live bacteria in that joint that is now enclosed with healing tissue and those bacteria start to reproduce again, a dangerous infection will occur. This will be a very disastrous complication. We will know in the next 72 hrs.
December 26th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
We are on DAY 14. Zeb is still alive, and doing better in many ways. He is eating and drinking better, still no fever. The deepest wounds into his shoulder joints so far, are healing. The laminitis is improving!
The jaw wound is fierce. Surgery for that will happen once Zeb's overall condition is better. It would just be too much on his body right now.
December 27th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Today's update from OSU has a rough part, Zeb will deal with some degree of lameness for the rest of his life. That is hard news.
But, there is also good news. His overall condition continues to improve, paving the way for the eventual big surgery on his jaw.
December 30th, 2024 by Kris Horlacher Organizer (highlights)
Today is a good day to look back at the many incredible, sometimes downright miraculous events of the past few weeks. Zeb is not out of the woods yet, and a big jaw surgery is coming up as soon as his body can handle the stress of that.
January 1st, 2025 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Zeb now has a fever, has stopped eating and drinking. A feeding tube has been placed and meds started. Because the pain meds can be damaging to kidneys, the Doctors tried to wean the dose down a bit. Zeb was shaking in pain again, not eating or drinking, ears were back down , was very lame in one leg, and a few of the labs indicating stress were headed back up. After such a celebration the day before, this was hard for Dar to see.
But, the great Vets at OSU were on top of things, did a thorough examination to be sure no new complication had reared its' ugly head, and raised dose of pain meds.
January 2nd, 2025 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Zeb started eating when Dar got there today! He looked much, much better than yesterday. He is moving better, not shaking, ears are up a bit, fever gone. A totally different picture from yesterday.
January 4th, 2025 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Once the Vets began to see hope that Zeb would survive, they began warning Dar of a tough part of the journey that may come. They told her that IF the deepest wounds began to heal and new skin and tissue formed to close the wounds, the risk of infection would be high and that phase of the healing would be complicated and challenging.
The very high triglyceride level which reflects massive trauma and stress dropped dramatically last night. It is not normal yet, but much better. Zeb's body is going in the right direction. No fever. Wounds are still healing.
January 7th, 2025 by Kris Horlacher, Organizer (highlights)
Zeb Update!!! It has been a few days since I updated you all. But yesterday, seemingly out of nowhere, Zeb perked up a bit and started eating and drinking a lot. He seemed to be in less pain.
The vets wanted to do more X-rays of his elbow, which was wounded through the bone into the joint, and of his jaw, which they knew would eventually need surgery to reconstruct the mangled jaw. The lingering signs of infection were worrying them. The Xrays were scheduled for the following day.
Well, that day, he seemed a bit better. They did a walking test to see if he could walk all the way to the X-ray room. He was walking fine until he realized Ellie was not with them.
This morning, they took out the IV, and allowed Ellie to rejoin him in his ICU stall.
Yesterday afternoon, Dar got the results of the elbow Xray. It is healing just fine, with no signs of anything that could cause permanent damage. Wow!
TONIGHT SHE GOT THE CALL ABOUT THE JAW. You better sit down to read this.
The jaw that was practically destroyed and in need of a big ole surgery soon is healing. The bone is now PERFECTLY NORMAL. There is a lot of tissue healing that needs to happen, but......
OH MY GOSH.... OH WOW. All we keep saying is, "Can you believe this?"
So my friend/massage therapist has an older cat named Panda. The cat had been rather lethargic and had been vomiting several times a day and started to pee in places other than the litter box. My friend was concerned that it might be time to have Panda put down.
As I was leaving her house I asked if she would be ok with me scanning Panda with the Healy and sending her some frequencies via distance. She agreed and I started sending the cat frequencies for 5 days. On day 3 I checked back in with my friend. She said that Panda had only thrown up once more the day that I was there and that Panda seemed to have much more energy.
It's been a couple of months since I sent Panda the frequencies and still no vomiting and no more peeing where she shouldn't. So...last week I showed up for my monthly massage and energy work. As I went to leave I opened the treatment room door to head downstairs. Guess who was waiting right outside the door? Panda perked up as soon as I emerged and followed me down the stairs. Instead of hiding out behind the couch, she instead rubbed up against my legs and let me pet her. Now this is really rare apparently because of her age she is tender and doesn't like to be brushed or petted. She seemed eager to express her gratitude.
Notice of Disclaimer:
“Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies” ("IMF") is a proprietary technology of Healy World. It uses the data from a physical noise generator to assign a priority to frequencies that professional user experience indicates have the highest relevance for the user.
The programs for Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) are structured in terms of duration, frequencies, intensity, naming, and descriptions, drawing upon the practical expertise of specialists and our understanding of how frequency-modulated microcurrent interacts with the Bioenergetic Field. They have not been confirmed by independent studies.
The Healy Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs are designed to support wellbeing through harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field. We have conducted unblinded before/after surveys in controlled and randomized groups of participants. These surveys suggest that the participants’ wellbeing was higher after the application. We attribute this to the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field, which we refer to as the energy flow of life, traditionally also called chi (or qi) and prana. This has not been confirmed by independent studies.
The Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs of the Healy device are not medical applications. They are not intended to cure, treat, mitigate, diagnose, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The terms used in the programs do not constitute statements concerning their effects.
The purpose of the programs is to provide the user with a tool to explore application options. Healy programs should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek such advice from a qualified medical professional. If you have or suspect you may have a medical condition, or if you are under the care of a healthcare practitioner, you should consult your practitioner before using Healy. Always use your Healy according to the Instructions for Use.
Serving Bend, Redmond, Sisters and all of Central Oregon
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